

Speech development occurs progressively. In this process, children learn cumulatively. This implies that they acquire knowledge that, little by little, they combine to give rise to language. And language is a quality that differentiates us from other species, it is one of the best communication vehicles, facilitator of the first social interactions and favors learning, but there are some key periods and a series of stages for the development of language and that we will study them in this blog, created by: Darling María Castellanos López,  student in introductory English linguistics class. She is currently studying foreign languages with a focus on English, but I have also taken French and Chinese classes. I love languages and would like to continue learning more about them. it is very interesting to learn not only about other languages, but also about other cultures and other ways of life. apart from learning languages I also really like music, I like to play the piano, I like d...



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  Process of language   This is what is NECESSARY and SUFFICIENT for language development to occur. We can say that acquisition is input-dependent and comprehension-dependent, while developing proficiency is communication-dependent. Language acquisition Language acquisition is the process by which humans acquire the capacity to perceive and comprehend Language. Stages of Language Development Analysis  Preschool age children are like sponges, ready for knowledge and excited to gain new skills, The ages of three to four is a time in a child's life that they can absorb language skills readily from sing along songs, storytelling, open ended questions, and daily receptive and expressive language activities. Children do not wake up one morning with a fully formed grammar in their heads. In moving from first words to adult competence children pass through linguistic stages. They begin by babbling, they then acquire their first words, and in just a few months they begin ...


  Language Acquisition 1.     The Linguistic Capacity of Children Children exposed to different languages ​​in different cultural and social circumstances develop their mother tongue over a small window of time, going through similar, possibly universal stages of development. Even deaf children of signing deaf parents acquire languages ​​in stages that parallel those of children acquiring spoken languages. A.    Stages in Language Acquisition The words and sentences that the child produces at each stage of development conform to the set of grammatical rules it has developed up to that point. although child. Grammars and adult grammars differ in certain respects, they also share many formal properties. Just like adults, children have grammatical categories like NP and VP, rules for building sentence structures and for moving constituents, as well as phonological, morphological, and semantic rules, and adhere to universal principles such as structure ...

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Questions and Answers

  Questions and Answers 1.   What do you understand when we talk about language acquisition? Language acquisition is a creative process. It is a long and complex process by which the child acquires sufficient command of the language spoken in his family and social environment, so that he can interact in it. It takes place at a very young age. Language acquisition is a specifically human ability.   2.     How do you think language acquisition takes place? Children acquire their first language in a long process, spanning five to six years and basing their success on constant interaction with other speakers, the acquisition develops in one way or another according to the linguistic environment in which they grow up. It begins with the babbling, which we consider a kind of training' and that from the six months are already oriented more and more towards the concrete imitation of sounds. At the end of the year, the process is accelerated and the already ...